[Final technical informations should be consulted in Final Bulletin]
Map: Enhanced version of Dunas de Vagos (2014)
Terrain: Typical Portuguese Sand Dunes terrain with pine forest. In the lower parts it’s common to find open areas surrounded by vegetation (mimosas - Acacia dealbata). There are also some areas with undergrowth vegetation. Good visibility to the forest in general.
Map makers: Rui Antunes e José Batista (Portugal)
Event Director: António Amador
Course Setter: Nuno Pires
POF Supervisor: Joaquim Margarido
Map Scale: 1:5.000
Contour Interval: 2,5m
Parking: Area defined by the Organization
Additional Information:
- Event will be a 2015 Invacare Portugal Trail-O Cup stage
- PreO Stage, with competitors grouped in Open and Paralympic classes
- Quarantine Opening Time:12h00
- First Start: 12h30
- Start Interval every 2 minutes
- Quarantine Closing Time (only for Portuguese competitors): 14h00
- Quarantine Closing Time (for Foreign competitors): 15h30
- Prize Giving Ceremony: 18h00
- Trophies for the top 3 in each Class
Note: The road where the competition will be held will be closed to traffic. It is only possible to reach the Parking Area following the organization driving indications. It is not permitted to cross the competition area on arrival.
Rules and Regulations: The event follows the International Competion Rules for IOF Trail-O Events 2015 and the 2015 POF Competition Rules.
Note: In Timed Controls, answers must be given using International Phonetic International Phonetic
Alphabet (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot)
- Due to easy progression for wheelchair athletes, there will be no escorts provided by the organization.
- Paralympic Athletes may be accompanied by their personal escorts during the course, as long as fair play stands, no it will be forbidden to communicate with the athlete
Map Details and Vegetation Notes:
- Special version of Dunas de Vagos 2014 map, scale converted from 1:15000 to 1:5000, mapped with enhanced detail of vegetation features
- Vegetation features mainly drawn as area features, thus mapped by scale
- Due to the large number of vegetation elements and complexity of the map even at 1:15000 scale, there were no vegetation elements added after the scale change, keeping the map readable e according to the visibility into the terrain
- There are many vegetation elements not mapped, all with dimensions higher than the minimum ISOM defined standards, so expect a high level of map and terrain skills
- Vegetation elements that do not affect the ‘runnability’ concept in Foot-O, ou do not affect visibility to the terrain in PreO are not mapped
Technical Info:
- Time Control Station with 6 flags in the terrain and three challenges to be held before the PreO course
- PreO course:
- 1,2km length, elevation 0, in asphalt road
- 20 control points
- Elite level course planning
- Maximum Time Allowed: 95 minutes
Note 1: In Timed controls, there’s no Zero Answer
Nota 2: In PreO course, in every control, there’s a possibility of Zero Answer
Photos: You can find some photos, schemes and preliminary distances on Facebook page.