Map: Arcozelo
Terrain: Mainly open terrain, with medium slope and several rocky elements. Variation between fast running areas and areas where the vegetation causes progression difficulties.
Map Makers: Raquel Costa e Tiago Aires
Map Scales: 1/7500 e 1/10.000
Contour Interval: 5m
Course Setter: Raquel Costa
Supervisor: António Amador
Start for Open Classes, M/W10: 09h30 to 11h00
Distance to Start: S1 - 1250m and S2 - 2800m
Parking: Parking will be near the arena and may be from 700 to 1200 meters from the Arena. It is not allowed to park in other locations than those indicated by the organization staff.
Buses: We will have buses to transport all athletes from the arena to a place near the start. Since that place, the atheletes will have to walk 250 metres (S1) and 1000 metres (S2)
Technical Information: