
+Nutrição associates with POM2018.

+Nutrição is a young and dynamic company that presents to its clients a varied range of services in the areas of Health, Welfare, Physical Activity and Sport. Customer-centered, it has a holistic view of the human being as it cares not only about physical performance but also about the mental and social performance of the people who seek their services. In this sense, the target audience includes not only athletes and practitioners of physical activity, but also all people who for physical or psychological reasons see their daily performance compromised.
Based on this philosophy, +Nutrição presents a team of professionals with superior training that guarantee the quality of services and the improvement of the quality of life of its clients. We count on: Exercise Physiologists, Therapeutic and Sports Nutritionists, Rehabilitation Therapists, Physical Therapists, Osteopaths, Massage Therapists, Mesotherapists, Physical Therapists, Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapists and podoposturology therapists.
+Nutrição accompanies athletes of various modalities among them: Athletics, Trail, Orienteering, Football, Combat Sports and Fencing.
As regards partnerships, +Nutrição counts on important protocols with companies that promote easy access to high quality health services at low cost, as is the case with Sorriso +.