Terrain: Both pine forest and open areas are present, with some undergrowth in the latter. Terrain with moderate density of contours details and very rich in rock details.
Cartographer: Tiago Aires
Map Scales: 1:15.000, 1:10.000 and 1:75000
Contour interval: 5m
Course setter: Nuno Leite
Distances and climbing: See at Techincal Info
First start: 9 hours
Open classes start time: Between 9:30 and 10:30
Distance to start: Start 1 (S1) 0m (start close to Arena) and Start 2 (S2) 1800m.
Parking will be close to Arena. Drivers should follow organizers instructions.
Additional information:
-Elite classes will start in the Arena (S1).
-There will be espectator control and chasing start to Elite classes.
-There will be water controls.