Training Camps – POM2019

Training Camps

Ori-Mondego have a cooperation protocol with O-Portugal.
The concept of this project is to provide the best training opportunities and conditions for athletes visiting Portugal during winter.
O-Portugal offers not only training camps, but also ready to go competition packages.
Below you can see the packages near Portugal “O” Meeting 2019.

POM 2019  Competition Package

Want to attend Portugal “O” Meeting 2019?
Then check out our competition package. This package can be easily combined with trainings on sand-dunes or rocky-mountains areas.

Sand-Dunes Training Camp

Want a solid training camp with technical and fast terrain?
Then our Sand Dunes training camp is the best solution for you. Good quality maps and courses, most at running distance from the accommodation, perfect for a season opening training camp.

Trainings in this area are easily combined with POM2019

For more packages, visit O-Portugal’s website-