POM2020 entries fees can be paid by Bank Transfer, PayPal, Credit Card or directly at the Event Center in cash.
In order to simplify the accreditation process, the Organization prefers payments made by bank transfer, PayPal or Credit Card.
Payment data:
Bank: Caixa Geral de Depósitos
Branch: Sines
Name: Clube de Orientação e Aventura do Litoral Alentejano-COALA
IBAN: PT50 0035 0783 00015136830 81
Branch address:
Caixa Geral de Depósitos – Agência de Sines
Rua Marquês de Pombal, 48 – PT 7520-225 Sines – Portugal
COALA Address:
Clube de Orientação e Aventura do Litoral Alentejano-COALA
Bairro Azul, C2, Praça da Fraternidade 1ºEsq
PT – 7500-100 Vila Nova de Santo André / Portugal
Payment process
If you have made an Express Entry in OriOasis, please include the Express Code on payment description.
For full club payment, please indicate the club name on the description.
For partial club payments, please include the club name and athlete list in the confirmation comment, or send us an email (payments@pom.pt) listing all athletes included in the payment and the confirmation as an attachment.
Notes: For all bank transfer you make, please send us a bank transfer confirmation by home banking services or by email to payments@pom.pt
All transfer expenses should be supported by the one ordering the transfer. Any transfer expenses charged by the bank to the Organization will be added to the club open fee.
Please use the email address payments@pom.pt for all the emails related to the payment process.