Arenas | Hard Floor | BabySitting | Model Event | Training Events | World Ranking Event | Men Elite Classes | Chasing Start | SI-Card changes | Control System | Start Times | Race Time Limits | Fair Play | Results | Prizes | Sport Insurance | Traffic Indications | Rules | Complaints
– At arenas athletes will find every necessary infrastructure (secretariat, informatics, bar service, WC, babysitting (except in sprint), first aids, results, speaker, etc;
– If you are thinking about using babysitting service during the event, please check the corresponding option during your accreditation process at OriOásis.
– It is mandatory to wear appropriate footwear in the enclosure;
– It is not allowed to set up tents or similar inside the pavilion;
– It is forbidden to cook food inside the pavilion;
– It is forbidden to wash dishes or utensils used in meals on the pavilion;
The Hard Floor (it’s a school sports hall, where you can sleep in your sleeping bag) will be at EB 2,3 Eng. Duarte Pacheco (37°08’29.5″N 8°01’33.7″W).
– IMPORTANT: any of these infractions implies expulsion from space.
We will have babysitting services at all 4 forest stages of the POM.
– Registration for Babysitting in OriOasis is mandatory;
Model Event
– Model Event will be in 28 and 9th February ;
– The maps will be distributed during the accreditation, at the Event Center;
– Please select “Model Event” during your registaration process. Not registering to the model event is subject to map availability.
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Training Events
– The training camps will take place on 25, 26 and 27 February and are a simulation of the Portugal ‘O’ Meeting.
We’ll have the training camps timed with the SPORTIdent system and with Air+ mode activated, and there will also be results.
All the training pitches are medium-distance and there will be three courses of varying difficulty:
Green – for beginners
Yellow – Medium course with technical difficulty
Red – Medium/long course with technical difficulty
Each training camp costs €5/day.
25 February (Day-3 – Tuesday): São Brás de Alportel
26th February (Day -2 – Wednesday): Tôr
27 February (Day -1 – Thursday): Quinta do Lago
Registration is compulsory at orioasis, the training camps do not include sports insurance, if you wish please send an email to, plus a fee of €2/day.
Registration until 31 October for €5, after this date and until registration closes €7.
Training camp maps will be handed out in the car park.
– During the entry process, Elite runners need to provide their IOF World Ranking ID. All the athletes in those classes need to be registered also in IOF Eventor.
– Due to the large number of competitors, this category will be divided into M21SE (super elite) and M21E (elite), with the criterion for separation being the World Ranking of the registered athletes, 20 days before the competition.
Chasing Start
– On the last stage, all the Elite classes (M21SE, M21E and W21E) will have a Chasing Start close to the Arena;
– Athletes who are more than one hour after the first or didn’t run one of the forest stages will have a mass start one hour after the first start;
– The first athlete in the finish will be the winner of the respective class.
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– All athletes must use the POM bib, given during the accreditation;
– Only athletes with POM’s official bib correctly placed are allowed to start the race;
– The bib will have the following information: number, name, SI-Card number, class, club and country.
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SI-Card Change
– Any SI-Card change must be done before the start in the secretariat. It will not be allowed any start with changes of information not validated previously at the secretariat.
– Each change will cost €3.00.
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Control System
– The control system used will be SPORTident;
– Contactless AIR+ mode will be active on all forest and sprint races;
– Anyone who does not own a SIAC can use any other SI-Card with no problem;
Start times
– It won’t be allowed any change of start times in the event days;
– In case of any constraint related with start times (example: the need for an early start time in the last day) please write it down during the entry process;
– Open classes won’t have a start time, they will have a time interval where they can start with “START” SI-Station.
However, a list with starting times will be generated, which should be minimally respected, so that there is no accumulation of athletes in the same minute.
– Any changes to start times must be made by email before day 0 (the previous Friday). Athletes with changes not previously validated will not be allowed to start.
– Each change will cost €3.00.
Race time limits
– The race time limits are:
Long Distance – 3 hours
Middle Distance – 2 hours
Sprint– 50 minutes
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Fair Play
– At the end of each course, athletes can keep their map, therefore Fair Play is requested to all participants.
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– The final result of Portugal ‘O’ Meeting will be defined by the sum of points from all four forest stages, except in Elite classes, whose event winner will be the first runner at the finish on the last stage (Chasing Start);
– The Sprint and PreO events won’t count to POM general classification.
-The two sprints add up the points between them for an overall classification.
-The PreO, the stage classification will be the final classification
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– POM: Prizes for the first 3 athletes in each class (5 first in M21E, M21SE and W21E classes) and 3 best clubs. All W/M10 and W/M12 runners will receive a gift, whatever their classification;
– WRE: prizes for the 5 first in W21E and M21SE;
– Sprint: Prizes for the first 3 in each class.
– PreO: Prizes for the first 3 in each class.
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Sport insurance
– Athletes affiliated in POF are covered by POF insurance;
– National and Portuguese resident non-affiliated athletes are covered by POF insurance;
– Foreign and/or non-resident athletes, the organisation will charge an additional fee of €2/day to cover them with specific insurance.
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Traffic Indications
– Parking locations (GPS coordinates) and their distance to the arenas will be provided. From the parking, there will be orange and white arrows for the arenas.
– Please follow and respect the indications, both for traffic and parking.
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– POM will be regulated by Portuguese Orienteering Federation regulation. In the presence of any missing case, we will apply the IOF rules.
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– Any complaint must be made in writing and submitted to the secretariat as soon as possible, but always within a maximum of 15 minutes after completing the respective course.
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